Patito et Maryàn, contes de la Caraïbe et d’ailleurs [en]
:: BROADCAST SHOW :: Broadcast 2016 / 2017 Agence Régionale de Dordogne
I am you and you are me. It even has a title: brotherhood. No way can you escape this. There is no emergency exit. Romain Gary
Staging folk tales allows us to shatter discourse, to rediscover the common joyous quality of the spoken word; the vitality of the imagination and dance of childhood. Transforming the limits into perspectives, passing the forbidden thresholds and renewing the joy of living.
Photos du spectacles © Cie AWA
This show has been played more than forty times in France : in Paris and on tour in the regions.
Photos des tournées © Cie AWA
Photos rêvées © Cie AWA
Vidéos © Cie AWA