Les ruisseaux du sensible [EN]




Die Tränen :: Les larmes :: Tears
Die Tränen im Bruderaug :: Les larmes dans l’œil frère :: Tears in brother eye
Eine blieb hängen, wuchs :: L’une d’elle est restée suspendue, a grossi :: One was left hanging, grew
Wir wohnen darin :: Nous habitons dedans :: We live in it
Atme, dass :: Respire, pour :: Breathe to
sie sich löse :: qu’elle se détache :: let it loose

Paul Celan SPRACHGITTER / Grille de parole / Language Mesh


On 13 Novembre 2015, David Bruchon, director of the university program at Fondation Connaissance et Liberté in Port-au-Prince, asked us to devise an artistic contribution that would fit in the context of a conference entitled Construire la démocratie : Mémoires et Transmissions- Institutions et Citoyenneté – Rencontre des mémoires Argentine – Haïti d’une dictature à l’autre (Constructing democracy: Memory and Transmission – Institutions and Citizenship – Convergence of memories. Argentina-Haiti from one dictatorship to another); we suggested


in which the voices of Haitian, Argentinian, Algerian, European* poets mingle with and respond to folksongs, and from the hollow place of obliterations perpetrated by dictatorships manage to convey the living fire of human resistance.

We wanted to create word vessels that would speak to the senses and thus revitalize our living consciousness of human connections after the ordeal of pain and fear. We wanted everybody to be aware that such historical events are not limited to one people or one period in time but are an issue that is part of humankind. Three 25 minute units: Memory, Faces and Scruples, each of them coming at the end of the three days of the conference. Retrieving some common ground through our senses, something alive for the missing who weigh on our backs to transmute into the departed who still walk with us.




It seemed important to us to include the voices of Algerian poets, for during the Algerian War the French army experimented with what they called a ‘counter insurrectional war’. The techniques of gathering intelligence and instilling terror in civilian populations were taught in military schools in North and South America, in the context of military cooperation with France. These same techniques were used under the military dictatorships in Argentina, Chile, Brazil…


